Thursday, June 14, 2012

Borlaug Kindergarten Camp, August 9th & 10th

Hello, Borlaug Kindergarten Families,

We are very excited to start the new school year this fall and to welcome you and your child to Borlaug Elementary.  We are thrilled to offer to our kindergarteners Borlaug’s Kindergarten Camp which will be held on August 9th and 10th from 8:30-11:30 am at Borlaug Elementary.

The Borlaug kindergarten teachers, along with additional adult assistance, will acclimate our soon to be kindergarteners to the routines of school.  The children will learn Borlaug expectations as they participate in class activities, recess, and lunch. It will be a wonderful way for us to teach the children our routines, along with starting to make new friendships.  
To register your incoming 2012-13 Borlaug kindergartener, please complete the registration form found on the Borlaug website.  This form was also mailed to our kindergarten families via US Mail and through email.  If you would like your kindergartener to participate in our Kindergarten Camp please complete the form and return it to Mrs. Shoppa’s email, or call us at 688-1155 to register over the phone.

We hope your child will able to join us for these two fun-filled mornings.

Celeste Shoppa, Borlaug Principal

Borlaug Playground Community Build July 12, 13, 14

Hello, Borlaug Families and Staff,
The committee members have been working hard planning for our new playgrounds at Borlaug.  The fundraising efforts continue to be successful, and as of this week we are $20,000 short of meeting our financial goal for installation of three playground structures on school grounds prior to the start of the school year. If you haven’t already donated and would like to, please visit the Borlaug website for links or call us at 688-1155.
If you are unable to make a monetary gift, we can still use your help!  We are planning a community build of the playground structures on July 12, 13 and 14.   Please save these dates on your calendars.  We will need thirty volunteers on each of those days.  No building experience necessary; we will train on location.  You can sign up to volunteer online by following the “Playground Progress!” link on the Borlaug Elementary website which will take you to the Sign Up Genius link.
The last item is to invite you to our next Borlaug PTO meeting on July 10th at 6:30pm in the lower level of the Coralville Library.  We hope you will be able to join us as we continue to plan for our new school.
Celeste Shoppa, Borlaug Principal