Monday, October 22, 2012

Borlaug will celebrate its first Spirit Day!

On Friday, October 26, Borlaug will celebrate its first Spirit Day.  We are inviting all students and staff to wear our school colors, black and gold!   Won’t it be fun to see our entire school decked out in our favorite Bulldog colors?  Go Bulldogs!  So, clean out those closets and dig up the black and gold!  Woof!  Woof!

We want to remind our Borlaug Community that this week, Oct. 22-26, we are participating in “Stock the Pantry Johnson County” as part of Make a Difference Day. A flyer came home last week explaining this is a community wide food drive, and Borlaug classrooms will have donation areas for the students to bring non-perishable food items.   We thank you for your generosity.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Stock the Pantry Johnson County Project

Borlaug Elementary is participating in the Stock the Pantry Johnson County project as part of Make a Difference Day.  To participate, have your student bring non-perishable food items to school anytime between October 22 and 26th.  Each classroom will have a collection site.  Stock the Pantry Johnson County is a community food drive that will benefit the three local food pantry's,  the Crisis Center, North Liberty Pantry and the Coralville Ecumenical Food Pantry.  This is a community wide food drive that has set an ambitious goal of 100,000 pounds of food, which will supply the three pantry’s for one month during their busiest time.
Thank you,
Celeste Shoppa, Principal

Monday, October 8, 2012

October Update

September 20th was a very memorable day as we celebrated the opening of Borlaug Elementary and the humanitarian for which we are named, Dr. Norman Borlaug.  We celebrated our school through song and presentation about Dr. Borlaug and his life’s accomplishments and philosophy.  Dr. Borlaug’s daughter, Jeanie Borlaug Laube, and his first cousin, Allen Borlaug, were impressed by the building but more importantly by our students.  I want to thank all who were able to attend and to those who made the day such a success!

During the months of September and October, your child(ren) have and will be participating in a variety of assessments. The assessments assist teachers in identifying areas of strengths, areas for growth, and ultimately the information will result in guiding instruction. In September, district reading tests were administered. During October 15-19, students in grades 3-6 will take the Iowa Assessments, formally known as ITBS. This test covers Reading, Language and Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies. During the final week of October, students in sixth grade will take the Iowa Youth Survey.

Parent teacher conferences will soon be approaching.  It is our goal to have 100% participation in our fall and spring conferences.  If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for a conference time, please contact your child’s teacher to set a time and date.  We have two night conference dates, November 1st and 8th, and we have conferences all day on November 9th. Thank you for your participation in this process and for supporting your child’s education.