Wednesday, April 25, 2012

News to Share

Hello, Borlaug Families and Staff,

This is Principal Shoppa with three pieces of information to share.

The Borlaug Community Night on April 21st was very well-attended. We want to let you know the name of our bulldog mascot is Norm.  Thank you for your votes on Saturday night.  The bulldog plush toy raffles went to  a 1st grader at Weber and to a 4th grader at Horn – Congratulations!

The Borlaug Elementary School fundraising efforts are well under way. To fully construct and equip all three playgrounds, as well as provide start-up funds for experiential learning programs for 2012-2013, a minimum of $80,000 needs to be raised.

To allow the playground planning committee adequate time to make final selections and allow time for delivery of the equipment, we ask you to respond by May 15 using the contribution forms mailed to your home in late March. If you need another contribution form, you may call us at the Roosevelt Elementary office at 688-1155 or email Sheila Baldwin at

The last item is to remind parents of our May 15th Borlaug PTO meeting at the Coralville Library at 6:30 pm.  We hope you will be able to join us as we continue to plan for our new school.

Have a good day,
Mrs. Shoppa, Principal