Thursday, August 16, 2012

Borlaug Elementary's First Day!

What fabulous first day at Borlaug Elementary!   We had so many excited and smiling faces both from the children and the staff.  We ended our day with our whole school photo, wearing our Borlaug t-shirts.  We hope you enjoyed seeing your child come home proudly wearing Norm, our bulldog mascot.
When looking at our end of the day dismissal procedures we want to share a few reminders with our families.  Tomorrow is again a 1:55 dismissal day for all Iowa City schools – just like today.  Be sure to review with your child daily how he/she will get home.  If there is a change in the regular routine, please send a note to school for your child’s teacher.  This keeps us all well-informed so we know how to help your child at the end of the school day. All of our students will be escorted to their dismissal destinations each day, so older students will need to meet up with younger siblings at these locations, not at classrooms.  We have staff members for every grade level who will walk our bus students, carline students, walking students, and BASP students to their dismissal destinations. 
We want to remind our car line families to be sure to have a sign in your front window showing the last name of your children for pick-up.  Be sure it is large enough for the carline staff to see easily.  This will help us speed up the carline process.
For our students who are walking home, we will have them meet parents at the east playground gate.  This will elevate the congestion by the front entry, as we have students being escorted to their dismissal destinations by staff. 
Thank you so much for your support, as we are off to a great start!
Celeste Shoppa, Principal

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