Monday, September 17, 2012

Borlaug Update - September 17, 2012

Today our Borlaug PTO sent out an email to our families with our Borlaug Student Directory attached.  It was attached in two versions – one is alphabetical order as a school and the other by homerooms.  The directory is not a complete listing of all Borlaug students.  According to what parents marked in their E-Registration through Power School, we have 47 students whose families marked not to be included in the school directory.  Additionally, we have 27 students whose families marked not to provide parent contact information, such as email addresses, to the PTO.  Please keep this in mind if you are using the list to contact your child's whole class. If you need a hard copy of the student directory please call the Borlaug office at 688-1155.
Parents are now able to follow what is happening with the Borlaug Chess club at   Check back weekly for updates to the chess ladder!
We are very excited for Thursday, September 20th which is our Borlaug Dedication Day at 9:30am.  All are welcome to join us in the gym to celebrate the opening of Borlaug Elementary and the humanitarian for which we are named, Dr. Norman Borlaug.  We will have Borlaug family members joining us as well as an executive officer from the Borlaug Heritage Foundation.  The children will be leading us in song and in a power point presentation of Dr. Borlaug’s life. If possible, please send your child to school on the 20th in his/her Opening Day Borlaug t-shirt.
We will continue celebrating at lunchtime on the 20th by having team level picnics on the front lawn of Borlaug. The students reached our school-wide goal of 50,000 Borlaug Bulldog tickets from our PBIS program, earning this special event. 
Our Team 1 and 2 Back-to School Night will be Thursday, September 20th as well.  Our kindergartener students’ time is from 5:30-6:30pm and for our 1st and 2nd graders’ time is from 6:30-7:30pm.  For this evening we will have childcare provided during the teacher presentation portion of the evening. Please see the information below in regard to where you and your child will start your evening. 
5:30- 6:00 –      Kindergarten Presentation for parents with kindergarten teachers
-          Childcare provided in the Team 2 Commons area at the end of the Team 2 wing
6:00- 6:30 –      All Kindergarten families and teachers move to their classrooms

6:30 – 6:55 –    1st Grade Presentation for parents with 1st grade teachers
-          1st Grade childcare provided in the Team 2 Commons area at the end of the Team 2 wing
-          2nd Grade families to classrooms for classroom tours
7:05-7:30 –       2nd Grade Presentation for parents with 2nd grade teachers
-          2nd Grade childcare provided in the Team 2 Commons area at the end of the Team 2 wing
-          1st  Grade families to classrooms for classroom tours

Thank you for all of your support!
Celeste Shoppa, Principal