Friday, August 22, 2014

First Borlaug Bulletin to be Published 8.25.14

Hello, Borlaug Families,
Our first Borlaug Bulletin of the 2014-15 school year will be published this Monday, August 25th.   We will publish our community newsletter twice a month, and it will be sent to our families electronically.  If you need a hard copy sent home instead, please call the Borlaug office at 688-1155.

It was wonderful to have so many Borlaug families at our Ice Cream Social on August 14th.  We enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting new students and families. We were very fortunate to have the University of Iowa Credit Union sponsoring our event. I want to thank our generous Borlaug PTO and our caring staff for their time and organization which made for a successful evening.

During our first days of school we spent time teaching all of our students our behavior expectations for the lunchroom, bus, playground, hallways, and restrooms. All adults will recognize appropriate behavior with our gold Borlaug Bulldog Tickets. This is all part of our Positive Behavior and Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program coordinated through our district.  The Borlaug Family Handbook has more information to share in regard to PBIS. You can find our Borlaug Family Handbook on our Borlaug Elementary website at:

We start each day at Borlaug by reciting our Borlaug Pledge.  It is a reminder to us all that at Borlaug we are responsible, respectful, and safe.  We hope families will use the pledge as a way to talk with your children about their days.  We encourage families to display the pledge at home as a reminder.

The Borlaug Pledge
Borlaug Elementary is a caring community of learners
We respect ourselves and others
We make responsible choices
We are safe at school
We are proud to be the Borlaug Bulldogs
Principal Shoppa

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Borlaug's 2014-15 First Day of School

Hello, Borlaug Families,

What fabulous first day at Borlaug!   We had so many excited and smiling faces both from the children and the staff.  Be sure to check out the Borlaug webpage for some first day photos.

When looking at our end of the day dismissal procedures, we want to share a few reminders with our families.  Each day this week is a 2:00 dismissal day for all Iowa City schools.  Be sure to review with your child daily how he/she will get home.  If there is a change in the regular routine, please send a note to school for your child’s teacher, or call the Borlaug office at 688-1155.  This keeps us all well-informed so we know how to help your child at the end of the school day. All of our students will be escorted to their dismissal destinations each day, so older students will need to meet up with younger siblings at these locations, not at classrooms.  We have staff members for every grade level who will walk our bus students, carline students, walking students, and BASP students to their dismissal destinations. 

We want to remind our car line families to be sure to have a sign in your front window showing the last name of your children for pick-up.  Thanks for your child’s teacher, your student may have even come home with a carline sign today. Be sure it is large enough for the carline staff to see easily.  This will help us speed up the carline process.

If parents are meeting students to walk home, 1st through 6th grade students will meet parents at the east playground gate, while our kindergarten parents meet at the front entry.  This will elevate the congestion by the front entry, as we have students being escorted to their dismissal destinations by staff. 

Thank you so much for your support, as we are off to another great start!

Principal Shoppa

Friday, August 15, 2014

A Message from Borlaug's PTO

The Borlaug PTO would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning families!  Please see below for some important information.

Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast
Everyone is invited to join us after drop-off from 8:15-9:00 on the first morning of school for an informal time of socializing and a light breakfast.  This is a great chance to get to meet other parents.

Spirit Wear
Ordering for spirit wear is now open!  You will be able to order until Thursday, September 4th, and this will will be the only time this school year that Borlaug gear will be available.  Merchandise will be received and delivered to you sometime after September 18th.  Click on the following link to order: 

PTO Welcome Packet
We would also like to encourage you to read our PTO Welcome Packet to find out how the PTO serves our Borlaug community and the many ways in which you can contribute.  You may find the welcome packet here:

Thank you, and we look forward to an exciting school year!

Borlaug PTO Board

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Borlaug August Reminders

Dear Borlaug Families,  

On behalf of the Borlaug staff, we welcome you to the 2014-15 school year. I have three reminders to share.

Borlaug’s Ice Cream Social will be on Thursday, August 14th from 5:30-6:30. The educational wings will be opened at 5:30, as teachers will still be preparing classroom until the social begins. Class lists will be displayed on the front entrance windows, the multi-purpose room windows, and on the library windows upstairs.  In the multi-purpose room Borlaug’s PTO will have volunteer opportunities, along with other information.  There will be ice cream to enjoy outside as well. We hope you will be able to join us. 

We want to remind our families the first week of school, August 19th through August 22nd, will have 2:00 dismissals. The next week will follow the regular schedule, with 3:00 dismissal on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 2:00 dismissal on Thursdays.   Our morning preschoolers begin on Wednesday, August 20th, and our afternoon preschoolers begin on Monday, August 25th.

 The last reminder is to update your E-registration accounts. To be enrolled for the 2014-15 school year, we need the student accounts updated so approvals can be made, and for accurate enrollment numbers for class lists. Thank you for your support, and we are looking forward to a wonderful third year at Borlaug!

 Mrs. Shoppa, Principal 


Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome to Borlaug's 2014-15 School Year!

Hello, Borlaug Families and Staff,

Welcome to the new school year! This is Principal Shoppa with Borlaug information to share. E-Registration is open, and it is mandatory that families update each student’s Power School account. To be enrolled for the 2014-15 school year, we need the student accounts updated so approvals can be made.

The 2014-15 Borlaug Family Handbook is on the front page of our Borlaug website, under the News heading. It has a great deal of helpful information in preparing for the fast approaching school year. The Family Handbook contains the school supply list, but if you need a hard copy you will find them in the local stores or you can stop by the Borlaug office. If you need a hard copy of the Family Handbook please let us know as well.

The Family Handbook outlines procedures for pick-up and drop-off as well as dismissal procedures. The east parking lot is for car parking and for the car line after school, while the west parking lot is our bus loop. Please remember patience as families learn the routine in our opening days. Safety is our number one goal for all of our students and their families.

The first school day bell rings at 8:25 with an 8:30 tardy bell. Students may start lining up at their designated playground areas as early as 8:10, which is when teacher supervision begins. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders will line up at the colored circles on the west playground and the kindergarteners, 5th and 6th graders will line up at the colored circles on the east playgrounds. Classroom teachers will be out the first day to let students know which color dot is theirs. Each of the four days the first week of school will have a 2:00 dismissal time.

We want to remind you of our Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 14th at 5:30 to 6:30pm. Class lists will be posted that evening. It is sure to be a wonderful night for all, and we are exciting to begin our school year together!


Principal Shoppa