Friday, August 22, 2014

First Borlaug Bulletin to be Published 8.25.14

Hello, Borlaug Families,
Our first Borlaug Bulletin of the 2014-15 school year will be published this Monday, August 25th.   We will publish our community newsletter twice a month, and it will be sent to our families electronically.  If you need a hard copy sent home instead, please call the Borlaug office at 688-1155.

It was wonderful to have so many Borlaug families at our Ice Cream Social on August 14th.  We enjoyed seeing familiar faces and meeting new students and families. We were very fortunate to have the University of Iowa Credit Union sponsoring our event. I want to thank our generous Borlaug PTO and our caring staff for their time and organization which made for a successful evening.

During our first days of school we spent time teaching all of our students our behavior expectations for the lunchroom, bus, playground, hallways, and restrooms. All adults will recognize appropriate behavior with our gold Borlaug Bulldog Tickets. This is all part of our Positive Behavior and Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program coordinated through our district.  The Borlaug Family Handbook has more information to share in regard to PBIS. You can find our Borlaug Family Handbook on our Borlaug Elementary website at:

We start each day at Borlaug by reciting our Borlaug Pledge.  It is a reminder to us all that at Borlaug we are responsible, respectful, and safe.  We hope families will use the pledge as a way to talk with your children about their days.  We encourage families to display the pledge at home as a reminder.

The Borlaug Pledge
Borlaug Elementary is a caring community of learners
We respect ourselves and others
We make responsible choices
We are safe at school
We are proud to be the Borlaug Bulldogs
Principal Shoppa