Friday, August 15, 2014

A Message from Borlaug's PTO

The Borlaug PTO would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning families!  Please see below for some important information.

Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast
Everyone is invited to join us after drop-off from 8:15-9:00 on the first morning of school for an informal time of socializing and a light breakfast.  This is a great chance to get to meet other parents.

Spirit Wear
Ordering for spirit wear is now open!  You will be able to order until Thursday, September 4th, and this will will be the only time this school year that Borlaug gear will be available.  Merchandise will be received and delivered to you sometime after September 18th.  Click on the following link to order: 

PTO Welcome Packet
We would also like to encourage you to read our PTO Welcome Packet to find out how the PTO serves our Borlaug community and the many ways in which you can contribute.  You may find the welcome packet here:

Thank you, and we look forward to an exciting school year!

Borlaug PTO Board