Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome to Borlaug's 2014-15 School Year!

Hello, Borlaug Families and Staff,

Welcome to the new school year! This is Principal Shoppa with Borlaug information to share. E-Registration is open, and it is mandatory that families update each student’s Power School account. To be enrolled for the 2014-15 school year, we need the student accounts updated so approvals can be made.

The 2014-15 Borlaug Family Handbook is on the front page of our Borlaug website, under the News heading. It has a great deal of helpful information in preparing for the fast approaching school year. The Family Handbook contains the school supply list, but if you need a hard copy you will find them in the local stores or you can stop by the Borlaug office. If you need a hard copy of the Family Handbook please let us know as well.

The Family Handbook outlines procedures for pick-up and drop-off as well as dismissal procedures. The east parking lot is for car parking and for the car line after school, while the west parking lot is our bus loop. Please remember patience as families learn the routine in our opening days. Safety is our number one goal for all of our students and their families.

The first school day bell rings at 8:25 with an 8:30 tardy bell. Students may start lining up at their designated playground areas as early as 8:10, which is when teacher supervision begins. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders will line up at the colored circles on the west playground and the kindergarteners, 5th and 6th graders will line up at the colored circles on the east playgrounds. Classroom teachers will be out the first day to let students know which color dot is theirs. Each of the four days the first week of school will have a 2:00 dismissal time.

We want to remind you of our Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 14th at 5:30 to 6:30pm. Class lists will be posted that evening. It is sure to be a wonderful night for all, and we are exciting to begin our school year together!


Principal Shoppa